Relearning to Re-Be

When I began this venture called Being Wat, I wanted the name and address of every demon, large and small.  I had time and energy, and demons were little red fantasy beings that I had heard the masters say must be confronted before I could move on.

The problem is that I learned well, and I found them.  Little did I expect an invisible enemy with a grasp on my heart that can only be broken by remembering everything so painful, and by relearning to re-be that person whom I had thought I needed to leave behind.
The red snake carries the white snake in its mouth around a 6-lane terra cotta-colored running track in an empty stadium.  Again.

Some days I might say this kind of ambition is a disease of the young, and a good reason youth need apprenticeship.

But on the other days, I still think I can do it
I think I can.
Do you know of the silent, menacing, four-armed giants in Holland?
I want them too.

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